Nov 9, 2014

Quickly, and Always Expressively

Just wanted to write a quick note, especially since the daily entries thing has pretty much gone out the window.

I'm more than halfway through The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. Again, the weekend is prime TV-watching time. Now that Doctor Who and Downton Abbey are both done until their Christmas specials next month, I've subbed in The Newsroom which just came back tonight. Of course, The Walking Dead and The X Factor remain for the rest of the month.

I'm still on only 5 or 6 shows a week, but unfortunately I still rely on the sound of TV to fall asleep at night -- which is something I plan to rectify as a New Year's Resolution. I'm usually pretty good with resolutions when they are reasonable; I'm more likely to be successful at "read more, watch TV less" than "give up carbs" or something. More on that in December.

So far, I like Eugenides' writing style. He's a bit sarcastic and very on-point with all the mendacity of suburban life. I'll say this too: I've never seen the movie, but I keep picturing Kirsten Dunst as Lux. Don't tell me if that's who she played. I don't even know anyone else who was in it; I just remember knowing she did it with Sofia Coppola directing and that's how they met before doing Marie Antoinette. 

I'm hoping to be done in the next day but tomorrow is jam-packed. I hope I can get it done and have a review up by Tuesday night. Happy reading!